Wednesday, May 29, 2013

A Funny Thing Happened...

on the way to naming our elephant. The poll totally pooped out. We had votes, then POOF, they evaporated. I even reset the poll.

So I'll try it this way: Anyone interested can vote for the potential names of our elephant.
  • Ella
  • Pinkie
  • William Shakestrunk
  • Ear-nest Hineyway
  • Pachelbel
Please send your vote to; don't try to vote on the poll on the side.

A subject line of Elephant Name would be handy, but I'll see all the emails. We'll start today, May 29, and go through June 5, which is a week away.

To keep things interesting, in addition to the choice of prizes for the name droppers (i.e., the people who suggested names, a competition that is closed)
Your choice of…
Summer's Edge or Summer's Double Edge anthologies  (to be released in July 2013)
Whispering Minds by A.T. O’Connor (YA, Fall 2013)
or, for our youngest contestants,
A personalized postcard signed by our elephant mascot
and a copy of one of the books for your parent/teacher

three voters here will receive an electronic or print version of their book of choice (sorry: U.S. or Canada-based only for those).

Any questions? Post a comment here.

Friday, May 03, 2013

Name Our Elephant

On the left-hand side, we've placed the five names I've selected from among the several offered on our Website to become the name of our mascot. Please vote for your favorite. The poll will be up until May 15

Also, I want to once again thank Hoboken artist Heather Smith, who created the image. She's a wonderful artist, and I look forward to seeing more of her work -- possibly on covers of EBP books!